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eMediNexus 20 July 2021
Issuing a false medical certificate is professional misconduct.
Regulation 7.7 of MCI Code of Ethics states “…Any registered practitioner who is shown to have signed or given under his name and authority any such certificate, notification, report or document of a similar character which is untrue, misleading or improper, is liable to have his name deleted from the Register.”
Regulation 1.3.3 also mandates that the doctor must keep a copy of the certificate issued and also record the signature and/or thumb mark, address and at least one identification mark of the patient on the medical certificates or report.
Section 197 IPC. “Issuing or signing false certificate. Whoever issues or signs any certificate required by law to be given or signed, or relating to any fact of which such certificate is by law admissible in evidence, knowing or believing that such certificate is false in any material point, shall be punished in the same manner as if he gave false evidence.”